1 policy of good-neighborliness
Politics english-russian dictionary > policy of good-neighborliness
2 policy
n1) политика; политический курс; стратегия; система; ( towards smth) позиция•to abandon policy — отходить / отказываться от политики
to adhere to policy — придерживаться политики; быть верным какой-л. политике
to administer policy — проводить политику; осуществлять политику
to adopt policy — принимать политику, брать на вооружение политический курс
to back down from policy — отказываться от какой-л. политики
to be at odds with policy — противоречить какой-л. политике
to be committed to one's policy — быть приверженным своей политике
to be wary about smb's policy — настороженно относиться к чьему-л. политическому курсу
to break away from smb's policy — отходить от чьей-л. политики
to camouflage one's policy — маскировать свою политику
to carry out / to carry through policy — проводить политику
to champion policy — защищать / отстаивать политику
to conflict with smb's policy — противоречить чьей-л. политике
to coordinate one's policy over smth — координировать свою политику в каком-л. вопросе
to cover up one's policy — маскировать свою политику
to decide policy — определять политику, принимать политические решения
to develop / to devise policy — разрабатывать политику
to dismantle one's policy — отказываться от своей политики
to dissociate oneself from smb's policy — отмежевываться от чьей-л. политики
to dither about one's policy — колебаться при проведении своей политики
to effect a policy of insurance — страховаться; приобретать страховой полис
to embark on / to embrace policy — принимать какой-л. политический курс
to execute / to exercise policy — проводить политику
to follow policy — следовать политике; проводить политику
to harmonize policy — координировать / согласовывать политику
to justify one's policy — оправдывать свою политику
to lay policy before the electorate for approval — излагать политический курс для его одобрения избирателями
to make clear one's policy — разъяснять свою политику
to overturn policy — отвергать политику, отказываться от какой-л. политики
to proclaim one's commitment to policy — публично обязываться проводить какую-л. политику
to propagate policy — пропагандировать / рекламировать политику
to put across smb's policy to smb — доводить свою политику до кого-л.
to railroad through one's policy — протаскивать свою политику
to reappraise one's policy — пересматривать свою политику
to reassess one's policy toward a country — пересматривать свою политику по отношению к какой-л. стране
to reconsider one's policy — пересматривать свою политику
to relax one's policy towards smb — смягчать свою политику по отношению к кому-л.
to rethink one's policy — пересматривать свою политику
to reverse one's policy — изменять свою политику
to shape policy — определять / разрабатывать политику
to spearhead one's policy — направлять острие своей политики
to spell out one's policy in advance — заранее излагать свою политику
to stick to a policy — придерживаться какой-л. политики
to thrash out policy — вырабатывать / обсуждать политику
to tone down one's more controversial policy — ограничивать свои менее популярные политические меры
- active policyto validate policy — поддерживать какую-л. политику / политическую линию
- adventurist policy
- adventuristic policy
- advocacy of policy
- advocate of policy
- aggressive policy
- agrarian policy
- agricultural policy
- alternative policy
- annexationist policy
- anti-inflationary policy
- anti-national policy
- anti-nuclear policy
- anti-recessionary policy
- appropriate policy
- architect of policy
- arms policy
- austere policy
- austerity policy
- autonomous policy
- balanced policy
- banking policy
- bankrupt policy
- basic policy
- beggar-my-neighbor policy
- bellicose policy
- big stick policy
- big-time policy
- bipartisan policy
- blind-eye policy
- bloc policy
- bomb-in-the-basement policy
- breach of policy
- bridge-building policy
- brinkmanship policy
- brink-of-war policy
- broad-brush policy
- budget policy
- cadres policy
- carrot and stick policy
- cautious policy
- centrist policy
- champion of policy
- change in policy
- change of emphasis in policy
- change of policy
- circumspect policy
- class policy
- clean-air policy
- closed-door trade policy
- coherent policy
- cold war policy
- colonial policy
- colonialist policy
- commercial policy
- commitment to policy of nonintervention
- common policy
- comprehensive national science and technology policy
- comprehensive set of policy
- concerted policy
- conduct of policy
- confrontation policy
- consistent policy
- containment policy
- continuity in policy
- continuity of policy
- continuity with smb's policy
- controversial policy
- coordinated policy
- cornerstone of policy
- counterproductive policy
- country's fundamental policy
- credible policy
- credit card policy
- credit policy
- crumbling policy
- cultural policy
- current policy
- damaging policy
- defeatist policy
- defense policy
- deflationary policy
- demilitarization policy
- democratic policy
- departure in policy
- destabilization policy
- deterrent policy
- development policy
- diametrically opposed policy
- dilatory policy
- diplomatic policy
- disarmament policy
- discretionary policy
- discriminatory policy
- disinflation policy
- distortion of policy
- divide-and-rule policy
- domestic policy
- dynamic policy
- economic and commercial policy
- economic policy
- embargo policy
- emigration policy
- emission policy
- employment policy
- energy policy
- environmental policy
- erroneous policy
- European policy
- even-handed policy
- expansionary policy
- expansionist policy
- experience of policy
- extreme right-wing policy
- fair policy
- farm policy
- far-reaching policy
- far-sighted policy
- federal policy
- financial policy
- firm policy
- fiscal policy
- flexible policy
- for reasons of policy
- foreign aid policy
- foreign policy
- foreign trade policy
- foreign-economic policy
- formation of foreign policy
- formulation of policy
- forward-looking policy
- framework for policy
- free trade policy
- general policy
- generous policy
- give-and-take policy
- global policy
- godfather to policy
- good neighbor policy
- government policy
- government's policy
- great-power policy
- green policy
- gunboat policy
- hands-off policy
- hard-line policy
- harmful policy
- harmonized policy
- health policy
- hegemonic policy
- high-risk policy
- home policy
- ill-thought-out policy
- imperial policy
- imperialist policy
- import policy
- import substitution policy
- in line with policy
- in the field of foreign policy
- inadmissibility of policy
- independent line of policy
- independent policy
- industrial policy
- inflationary policy
- inhuman policy
- instigatory policy
- insurance policy
- internal policy
- international policy
- internment policy
- interventionist policy
- intolerableness of policy
- investment policy
- iron-fist policy
- irreversible policy
- it's against our policy
- kid-glove policy
- labor mediation policy
- laissez-faire policy
- land policy
- language policy
- leash-loosening policy
- left-wing policy
- lending policy
- liberal policy
- liberalization of policy
- liberalized policy
- line of policy
- long-range policy
- long-term policy
- lunatic policy
- main plank of smb's policy
- major changes to policy
- manifestation of policy
- maritime policy
- marketing policy
- massive condemnation of smb's policy
- militaristic policy
- misconduct of policy
- mobile policy
- moderate policy
- monetarist policy
- monetary policy
- much-heralded policy
- mushy policy
- national policy
- nationalistic policy
- nationalities policy
- native policy
- nativist policy
- neo-colonialist policy
- neutral policy
- neutrality policy
- New Economic Policy
- news policy
- nonaligned policy
- nonalignment policy
- noninterference policy
- nonintervention policy
- nonnuclear policy
- nuclear defense policy
- nuclear deterrent policy
- nuclear policy
- nuclear-free policy
- obstructionist policy
- official policy
- official trade policy
- oil policy
- old faces can't make new policy
- one-child-family policy
- one-sided policy
- open-door policy
- openly pursued policy
- opportunistic policy
- optimal policy
- ostrich policy
- ostrich-like policy
- outward-looking policy
- overall policy
- overtly racist policy
- parliamentary policy
- party policy
- passive policy
- pay-curb policy
- peace policy
- peaceful policy
- peace-loving policy
- personnel policy
- plunderous policy
- policy from positions of strength
- policy from strength
- policy in science and technology
- policy is bearing fruit
- policy is constitutional
- policy of a newspaper
- policy of aid
- policy of alliances
- policy of amicable cooperation with smb
- policy of appeasement
- policy of belt-tightening
- policy of capitulation
- policy of compromise
- policy of conciliation
- policy of confrontation
- policy of connivance
- policy of containment
- policy of cooperation
- policy of democracy and social progress
- policy of détente
- policy of deterrence
- policy of dictate
- policy of discrimination
- policy of economic blockade and sanctions
- policy of economy
- policy of elimination
- policy of expansion and annexation
- policy of fiscal rigor
- policy of freedom of expression
- policy of friendship
- policy of genocide
- policy of good-neighborliness
- policy of goodwill
- policy of inaction
- policy of intervention
- policy of intimidation
- policy of isolation
- policy of militarism
- policy of militarization
- policy of military confrontation
- policy of military force
- policy of national reconciliation
- policy of neutrality
- policy of nonalignment
- policy of noninterference
- policy of nonintervention
- policy of nonviolence
- policy of obstruction
- policy of openness
- policy of pacification
- policy of peace
- policy of peaceful co-existence
- policy of plunder
- policy of protectionism
- policy of racial segregation and discrimination
- policy of reconciliation
- policy of reform
- policy of reforms
- policy of regulating prices
- policy of renewal
- policy of restraint
- policy of revanche
- policy of revenge
- policy of subjugation
- policy of violence
- policy of wage restraint
- policy of war
- policy towards a country
- policy vis-à-vis a country
- policy with regard to a country
- policy won out
- political policy
- population policy
- position-of-strength policy
- practical policy
- predatory policy
- price control policy
- price-formation policy
- price-pricing policy
- pricing policy
- principled policy
- progressive policy
- proponent of policy
- protagonist of policy
- protectionist policy
- pro-war policy
- pro-Western policy
- public policy
- push-and-drag policy
- racial policy
- racist policy
- radical policy
- rapacious policy
- reactionary policy
- realistic policy
- reappraisal of policy
- reassessment of policy
- recession-induced policy
- reevaluation of policy
- reexamination of policy
- reform policy
- reformist policy
- regional policy
- renewal of policy
- re-orientation of policy
- repressive policy
- resettlement policy
- rethink of policy
- retrograde policy
- revanchist policy - revisionist policy
- rigid economic policy
- robust foreign policy
- ruinous policy
- safe policy
- sanctions policy
- scientifically substantiated policy
- scorched-earth policy
- selfless policy
- separatist policy - short-sighted policy
- single-child policy
- social policy
- socio-economic policy
- sound policy
- splitting policy
- state policy
- state remuneration of labor policy
- stated policy
- staunch policy
- sterile policy
- stick-and-carrot policy
- stringent policy
- strong policy
- structural policy
- suitable policy
- sustained policy
- sweeping review of policy
- switch in policy
- tariff policy
- tax policy
- taxation policy
- technological policy
- tight policy
- tightening of policy
- time-serving policy
- tough policy
- toughening of policy
- trade policy
- trade-unionist policy
- traditional policy
- treacherous policy
- turn in policy
- turning point in policy
- unified policy
- united policy
- unsophisticated policy
- U-turn in policy
- viability of policy
- vigorous policy
- vote-losing policy
- wage policy
- wage-freeze policy
- wages policy
- wait-and-see policy
- war-economy policy
- wealth-creating policy
- whip-and-carrot policy
- wise policy
- world policy
- zigzags in policy -
3 relation
n(among, between, with) отношение; связьto advance one's relations — давать новый толчок развитию отношений между своими странами
to arrange economic relations on a long-term basis — строить экономические отношения на долговременной основе
to be set on a course of improved relations with the rest of the world — идти по линии улучшения отношений с остальными странами мира
to bring relations with a country back to a balance — нормализировать отношения с какой-л. страной
to bring about a further improvement in East-West relations — приводить к дальнейшему улучшению отношений между Востоком и Западом
to clear away obstacles to better relations with smb — убирать все, что препятствует улучшению отношений с кем-л.
to contribute to the expansion of friendly relations — способствовать расширению дружественных связей
to cut (off) diplomatic relations with smb — разрывать с кем-л. дипломатические отношения
to damage relations between two countries — портить / ухудшать отношения между двумя странами
to disturb relations between two countries — портить / ухудшать отношения между двумя странами
to downgrade one's diplomatic relations with smb — понижать уровень дипломатических отношений с кем-л.
to ensure stable economic relations — гарантировать / обеспечивать устойчивые экономические отношения
to express an interest in better relations with smb — проявлять интерес к улучшению отношений с кем-л.
to foster good relations with a country — способствовать развитию хороших отношений с какой-л. страной
to have diplomatic relations — иметь / поддерживать дипломатические отношения
to heal the strained relations with a country — устранять напряженность в отношениях с какой-л. страной
to impose new strains on the government's relations with smb — еще больше осложнять отношения правительства с кем-л.
to institutionalize new relations — законодательно закреплять / узаконивать отношения
to introduce new strains in smb's relations with a country — делать еще более напряженными / еще больше усложнять чьи-л. отношения с какой-л. страной
to look forward to improved relations with... — надеяться на улучшение отношений с...
to make a plea for closer relations between smb — выступать с призывом упрочить отношения между кем-л.
to mar relations between two countries — портить / ухудшать отношения между двумя странами
to open diplomatic relations with... — устанавливать дипломатические отношения с...
to patch up one's relations — восстанавливать хорошие взаимоотношения
to pave the way for an improvement of relations between... — прокладывать путь к улучшению отношений между...
to place relations between two countries on a new footing — ставить отношения между двумя странами на новую основу
to place strain on relations between... — вносить напряженность в отношения между...
to plague relations — отравлять / омрачать / портить отношения
to poison relations — отравлять / омрачать / портить отношения
to put relations between two countries on a new footing — ставить отношения между двумя странами на новую основу
to reassess one's relations with a country — пересматривать свои отношения с какой-л. страной
to rebuild one's relations with smb — восстанавливать свои отношения с кем-л.
to recast / to reconsider one's relations with smb — пересматривать свои отношения с кем-л.
to reform one's relations with smb — перестраивать свои отношения с кем-л.
to reformulate one's relations with smb — пересматривать свои отношения с кем-л.
to render inconceivable any improvement in relations — делать немыслимым какое-л. улучшение отношений
to repair relations — улучшать / нормализовать отношения
to review one's relations with smb — пересматривать свои отношения с кем-л.
to seek better relations with... — добиваться улучшения отношений с...
to sour relations between two countries — портить / ухудшать отношения между двумя странами
to test the waters for the restoration of diplomatic relations — прощупывать почву относительно возможности восстановления дипломатических отношений
to warm (up) one's relations with smb — улучшать свои отношения с кем-л.
- acceleration of relationsto worsen relations between two countries — портить / ухудшать отношения между двумя странами
- aggravation relations
- agrarian relations
- amicable relations
- antagonistic relations
- balanced relations
- bilateral relations
- breach of relations
- break in relations
- breakdown in relations
- breakthrough in relations
- brotherly relations
- business relations
- capitalist relations
- causal relation
- cause-and-effect relations
- chill in relations
- chilly relations
- church-state relations
- church-to-state relations
- civilian-military relations
- clan relations
- close relations
- cold relations
- commercial relations
- commodity-money relations
- comprehensive improvement of relations
- constructive relations
- consular relations
- continuity in foreign relations
- cool relations
- cooling of relations
- cordial relations with smb
- credit and monetary relations
- credit relations
- crisis in relations
- cultural relations
- currency and credit relations
- demographic relations
- deteriorating relations
- deterioration in relations
- development of relations
- diplomatic relations
- direct diplomatic relations
- East-West relations
- economic relations
- equitable relations
- establishing of relations
- establishment of relations
- exemplary relations
- existing relations
- exploitative relations
- export-import relations
- external relations
- family and marital relations
- feudal-patriarchal social relations
- flourishing relations
- foreign economic relations
- foreign policy relations
- foreign relations
- formal relations
- fragile relations
- fraternal relations
- freeze in relations
- friendly relations
- frostiness in relations
- frosty relations
- good neighborhood relations
- good relations
- growing warmth in relations between the two countries
- harmonious relations
- healthy relations
- high level of relations between smb
- high point in relations
- human relations
- improved relations
- in spite of improved relations
- in the field of international relations
- industrial relations
- inequitable relations
- inter-American relations
- interethnic relations
- intergovernmental relations
- international cultural relations
- international legal relations
- international relations
- interparty relations
- interpersonal relations
- interruption of relations
- interstate relations
- kinship relations
- labor relations
- landmark in relations
- legal relations
- level of relations
- lukewarm relations
- lull of relations
- marital relations
- market relations
- matriarchal relations
- mature relations
- maturing of relations
- milestone in relations between smb
- monetary relations
- money relations
- moral relations
- multilateral relations
- mutual distrust in relations
- mutual relations
- mutually beneficial relations
- national relations
- need for further improved relations between the two countries
- neighborly relations
- new era in international relations
- new page in relations
- new relations
- new type of relations
- nonantagonistic relations
- normal relations
- normalization of relations
- obstacle to better relations
- official relations
- party-to-party relations
- patriarchal relations
- peaceful relations
- permanent diplomatic relations
- political relations
- positive assessments of relations
- power lever in relations
- precapitalist relations
- prevailing relations
- prickly relations
- private economic relations
- private property relations
- production relations
- progressive relations
- proper relations
- public relations
- race relations
- reestablisment of relations
- relation of forces
- relations among states
- relations are at a low ebb
- relations are at a very sensitive stage
- relations are at an impasse
- relations are at the lowest point
- relations are complicated
- relations are going perceptibly warmer by the day
- relations are overshadowed
- relations are seriously strained
- relations are severely strained
- relations are tense
- relations are troubled
- relations at the ambassadorial level
- relations between smb are taking a turn for the worse
- relations between the two countries were slightly downhill
- relations calm down
- relations came close to breaking point
- relations clouded by smth
- relations deteriorated
- relations have plunged to a new lowebb
- relations have soured to a new lowebb
- relations have taken a decided turn for the better
- relations have taken a step forward
- relations improve dramatically
- relations improve substantially
- relations move on to a new footing
- relations of friendship
- relations of peace, good-neighborliness and co-operation
- relations of production
- relations soured
- relations turned to ice
- relations warm up
- renewal of relations
- reopening of relations
- reordering of relations
- restoration of relations
- resumption of relations
- rift in relations
- rupture in relations
- severance of diplomatic relations
- sincere relations
- Sino-Russian relations
- social and legal relations
- social relations
- socialist relations
- socio-economic relations
- souring of relations
- special relations - state of relations
- state-to-state relations
- step back in relations
- strained relations
- straining in relations
- stumbling block to improving relations between...
- superpower relations
- tense relations
- tension-free relations
- thaw in relations
- trade and economic relations
- trade relations
- trading relations
- transition nature of relations
- treaty relations
- tribal relations
- turning point in relations
- uneasy relations
- unruffled relations
- warm relations
- warming of relations
- within the frame of East-West relations
- working relations
- world economic relations -
4 principle
n1) принцип2) основа3) закон•to adhere to a principle — быть верным принципу, придерживаться принципа
to be based on respect for the principle of sovereign equality — основываться на уважении принципа суверенного равенства
to compromise one's principles — поступаться своими принципами
to defend one's principles against smb — защищать свои принципы от кого-л.
to forsake one's principles — поступаться своими принципами
to give up one's principles — отказываться от своих принципов
to restore UN's principles — восстанавливать / возрождать принципы ООН
to set forth / out principles — излагать принципы
- adherence to one's principlesto swallow one's principles — поступаться своими принципами
- adoption of a precautionary principle
- application of principles
- basic principle
- ceiling principle
- consensus principle
- contravention of the principles of the UN
- democratic principles
- ethical principle
- floor principle
- foreign-policy principles
- fundamental principle
- funding principle
- general principles
- generally accepted accounting principles
- guiding principle
- Haldane principle
- human principles
- humanistic principles
- ideological principle
- immutable principle
- in accordance with the principles
- in conformity with the principles
- just principles
- key principle
- liberal-democratic principles
- matching principle
- methodological principle
- military-political principle
- moral principles
- most-favored-nation principle
- national principle
- noble principles
- observance of principles
- organizational principle
- overriding principle
- per capita ceiling principle
- policy-making principles
- practical principles
- principle of one man one vote
- principle of action
- principle of collective leadership
- principle of collective security
- principle of equal advantage
- principle of equal rights among peoples
- principle of equal security
- principle of equity
- principle of freedom of information
- principle of good neighborliness
- principle of independence
- principle of material incentive
- principle of nonalignment
- principle of nondiscrimination - principle of non-use of force in international relations
- principle of one-man management
- principle of optimality
- principle of peaceful co-existence
- principle of preferential treatment
- principle of price parity
- principle of relief for low per capita income countries
- principle of safeguarding
- principle of self-determination of peoples
- principle of self-reliant development
- principle of social justice
- principle of sovereignty
- principle of unanimity of the permanent members of the Council
- principles of cooperation
- principles of economic assistance
- principles of equality of all people
- principles of justice and international law
- principles of labor legislation
- principles of management
- principles of mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty
- production of guiding principles
- profit-making principles
- progressive principles
- radical principle
- recommitment to the principles
- rightful principles
- scientific and technological principles
- self-help principle
- sound principles
- strategic principles
- tactical principles
- the principles laid down by the Constitution
- the principles laid down in the UN Charter
- the principles of the Charter
- the principles of the United Nations
- unanimity principle
- underlying principle
- unshakable principles
См. также в других словарях:
china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material … Universalium
China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast … Universalium
Politics of the People's Republic of China — People s Republic of China This article is part of the series: Politics and government of the People s Republic of China … Wikipedia
Russia — /rush euh/, n. 1. Also called Russian Empire. Russian, Rossiya. a former empire in E Europe and N and W Asia: overthrown by the Russian Revolution 1917. Cap.: St. Petersburg (1703 1917). 2. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3. See Russian… … Universalium
July Ultimatum — The July Ultimatum was a Demarche issued by Austria Hungary to Serbia at 6 pm on July 23 1914. The July Ultimatum contained a list of demands and an annex describing the findings of the criminal investigation into the events of June 28 at… … Wikipedia
JERUSALEM — The entry is arranged according to the following outline: history name protohistory the bronze age david and first temple period second temple period the roman period byzantine jerusalem arab period crusader period mamluk period … Encyclopedia of Judaism
People's Republic of China — Infobox Country native name = zh. 中华人民共和国 (Simplified Chinese characters) zh. 中華人民共和國 (Traditional Chinese characters) Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó conventional long name = People s Republic of China common name = People s Republic of China symbol… … Wikipedia
Sino-Russian relations since 1991 — Sino Russian relations Russia … Wikipedia
Northern Epirus — Note: For the autonomous state formed in the region at 1914, see: Autonomous Republic of Northern Epirus. The region of Epirus, stretching across Greece and Albania. Legend grey: Approximate extent of Epirus in antiquity orange: Greek periphery… … Wikipedia
Presidency of Joseph Estrada — 13th President of the Philippines In office June 30, 1998 – January 20, 2001 Vice President … Wikipedia
Chronology — SOVIET ERA (1917 1985) 1917 February: Bread riots in Petrograd (“February Revolution”). March: Abdication of Nicholas II; establishment of the Provisional Government and election of the Soviet of Workers’ Deputies. 16 April: Vladimir Lenin… … Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation